Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tikkun Magazine

Just Say “NO” to the War in Afghanistan article link
by Michael Lerner

- Acknowledge the Causes of Terrorism
- A Strategy to Disempower Terrorists
- What Keeps the United States from Adopting a Rational Strategy in Afghanistan?

Why Capitalism Shouldn’t Be Saved article link
by John Sanbonmatsu

As of spring 2009, the leading capitalist states in Europe, North America, and Asia have thus either spent outright, or exposed themselves to financial risks totaling, well over $10 trillion - a figure so vast that one searches in vain for any relevant historical parallel. By comparison, the entire Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe after World War II cost a mere $9.3 billion (in constant 2005 dollars). According to the United Nations, it would cost $195 billion to eradicate most poverty-related deaths in the Third World, including deaths from malaria, from malnutrition, and from AIDS. So the amount of money committed by policymakers to save capitalism from itself is already fifty times greater than what it would take to save tens of millions of human beings from terrible daily suffering and premature death. If the wealthy nations instead invested that $10 trillion into the economies, health systems, and infrastructure of the Third World, rather than transferring it to the world's richest banks, private financial institutions, and investors, they could usher in a new epoch in the history of the species - a world community in which every human being would be guaranteed a livable life.

Tikkun Current and Previous Issues:
Tikkun Core Vision

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