Feast of Purim: Esther performs a subversive transformation of identity and power; she compasses simultaneously contradictory positions; she both submits and presides; she makes an eloquent plea against enslavement and violence [Esther 7] - she calls for liberation; external identity is a "mask" for her internal being; she is what she did not seem to be, a Jew, at the same instant, Esther "comes out" as a woman - just as she unmasks the truth of herself as Jew, she unmasks the truth of herself as woman; having masqueraded as a submissive being, she manifests herself as a potent, commanding leader who imminently takes the king's authority in her hands, legislates, and makes royal appointment - the Jews in Persia are transformed from oppressed people to empowered self-defenders - ESTHER TRANSFORMS HERSELF FROM OPPRESSED OBJECT TO STRIDENT COMMANDING SUBJECT; Esther's indomitable humane compassion [vs. a self-absorbed power like the king and Haman] drives her to risk her own life to oppose narrow and violent evil ["If I perish, I perish" (Esther 4:16)] -- Esther's solution respects the integrity of the body by deconstructing the text [repeal the order of annihilation], yet the king has no power to revoke his own seal; the only recourse is to issue new orders giving the Jews permission to defend themselves; the monarch's solution destroys the body while maintaining the text intact: the outcome of the story enacts the horrific consequences of the displacement of integrity from human life to text -- Esther affirms her humane kindness, by contrast, the violent outcome is a perverse inversion, a mockery of divine immutability, and a displacement of the sacred from our texts and table !! -- TEXTUAL ACTIVISM IS A CHRISTIAN DUTY, A REASONING TOGETHER !! - Esther was an activist whose potent insurgence foiled a plot of global proportions; the Fast of Esther (preceding Purim, the Feast) is a day of strategy, a day to steel our resolve to foil all roots of evil: IT IS TIME TO UNMASK AND DISMANTLE, TO DECONSTRUCT THE PERVERSE, THE WICKEDNESS OF THIS WORLD !! -- [based on "Unmasking the Scroll of Esther"; Tikkun (Mar/Apr 2002 edition)]
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