Monday, February 15, 2010

A Developing Community

** True Intelligence ** is God's Way, utilizing the "creation imprint" designed and intended for man; intelligence beyond thought; God-made sense of self vs. conditioned/manufactured/social mythic "mind-made" sense of self [the imprisoned mind] - the mind seeks to control the situation; fear future or desire future; the mind will fuel the impulse/situation; it will project into "the now" to shape the reality -- God's mind, His very consciousness, can be, and is, ours !! -- we must acknowledge what we feel, not what we deny, in our existence; a spaciousness around what we feel, our environment [emotional; state of grace, capacity for service]; MAKING SENSE, A DEEPENING OF MIND; INNER STILLNESS, A LACK OF FEAR; SERENITY, PEACE = the whole structure of "mind-made" sense of self dies | DEPTH, SACREDNESS !!

Media culture = representable interference with reality: accommodating the camera - torrent of images and sound = numbing the mind; we collaborate with our own dumbing down: we plug-in willingly - we are part of a long running desire to find a low risk, low demand release from the problems of life ... the promise that the next "one" will provide the solution ... the "CNN effect" to produce a public opinion result, that results in government intervention; so-called "experts" recycled ad-nauseum - corporate journalists using the "we" in their questions, the collective pronoun used in questioning government officials: there is a carefully managed "news agenda" to produce a carefully managed and manufactured public opinion - the "appearance" of reporting is exposed by the "guest list", the pre-defined framework of corporate experts ... very seldom are NGO's and alternative views presented by their own; limited views are presented mostly by the corporate - a vast spectrum of diversity must be realized, a vital presentation and exchange of ideas and opinions: AN OPEN COMMONS NEEDED !! - [experts based on NPR, Talk of the Nation]

Corporate enforcement of systemic lies vs. any opposition; we must respond only by education and persuasion by example - the COG Inc.'s, "enforcement" of their defined Truth is also a falsehood, a misapplication -- God wants us to be pure and whole; He does not want us to be automatons and just obey Him, He wants us to connect with Him from the *wholeness* of ourselves [in union with God, begotten as Family] - the COG is a developing community, a community that is *loving* towards everyone and everything, a community that is "in community" with everyone and everything: ONE WITH GOD, IN WHOLENESS - IF WE EXPRESS GOD, IF WE ARE *IN* AGAPE LOVE, EXPRESSING LOVE, PURITY, AND TRUTH, ANYWHERE CAN BE, AND IS, OUR COMMUNITY - we can't change anything but ourselves, and it takes God's help to renew our minds, to override and rid ourselves of selfishness, to look after the care of someone else - every failure [or sin (our violation of God's character, the 10C)] or difficulty [or contradiction in our lives, our conduct] is an opportunity to learn and change our ways - [wholeness based on Touched By Nature, Dorothy MacLean, Shared Vision] -- we are BONDED to God by love, His love, freely given as gift.

The Information Super-Sewer
by Chris Hedges article link article link
Published on Monday, February 15, 2010
CommonDreams home page
truthdig home page

The Internet has become one more tool hijacked by corporate interests to accelerate our cultural, political and economic decline. The great promise of the Internet, to open up dialogue, break down cultural barriers, promote democracy and unleash innovation and creativity, has been exposed as a scam. The Internet is dividing us into antagonistic clans, in which we chant the same slogans and hate the same enemies, while our creative work is handed for free to Web providers who use it as bait for advertising. ...


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