Saturday, December 26, 2009

Darkness Covers Another Flame of Hope

It is no accident that the power of Mammon has used the very day the Christian world celebrates the birth of the "Light of the World" to snuff out an example of that very Light - this is the back-handed demeaning slap Christ spoke about - the weak and desperate Chinese Oligarchy must be challenged and confronted as the bully it is - we must turn the other cheek so that they are forced now to close their fist if they want to continue, we must stand up to them - the demeaning of one human being is the diminishment of us all - let us hope that the flame being snuffed out catches on in the hearts of the great Chinese people and sets the wildfires of liberty and hope against this SAGE backed-and-supported repressive Regime and possibly place an Emperor on the Throne of China, an "Emperor of the People" to stand in common-cause with the peoples of the world - the so-called Communist Party must be undermined and collapsed, the Chinese people must say "NO" and withdraw all support, and we in the West can do our part - we must be selective in our purchases of goods Made in China; we must investigate the companies and demand that our Leaders demand an accounting of this our Trading Partner - Almighty God must take precedence over the almighty dollar -- "we the people" must rescind our fraudulent National Debts (owned by the private-State, the SAGE, the enslavement of our futures) and-in-turn rescind the Debt Holdings of this brutal Dictatorship and set their people and ourselves free !! - the courage and conviction of Liu Xiaobo and his wife Liu Xia are beyond most of us in comprehension and ability; WE MUST KEEP THEM IN MIND AND WE MUST REMIND THE WORLD ON A CONTINUOUS BASIS - HIS CONVICTION FOR HIS CONVICTION IS A CRIME AGAINST US ALL !!

Chinese dissident's jailing draws international anger
BBC Friday, 25 December 2009 article link

There has been widespread condemnation of the jailing by China of leading dissident, Liu Xiaobo, for subversion. ...

China's Communist Party leaders appear to be sending a message to anyone else who might want to challenge their total grip on power: don't. Chinese people have been given many freedoms since reforms were first begun 30 years ago, but this sentence shows that they have only very limited political rights.

BBC News front page


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