Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Democratic-Fascism is the “Serpentine Way”

MM Addendum 1-17

Political Parties are in effect Cultic (Cult-ure) [Sociology: an elite group, a self-identified group of people who share a narrowly defined interest or perspective; idolization of somebody or something: an extreme or excessive admiration for a person, philosophy of life, or activity; object of idolization: a person, philosophy, or activity regarded with extreme or excessive admiration] [Religion: a system of religious or spiritual beliefs, especially an informal and transient belief system regarded by others as misguided, unorthodox, extremist, or false, and directed by a charismatic, authoritarian leader]; SAGE intentional design as secular politico-religions, considered Christocentric; epigonic – party politics/democratic-fascism designed for countries to function as “corporate entity” Nation-States — populations must be enclosed within “the systemic” to ensure compliance; seemingly active participants, propagating the systemic, agents of their own destruction; their lack of deep intellectual involvement ensures tailored politicians, information and media, and the acceptance/assumption of defined Party character(-istics) — Democratic-Fascism is the “Serpentine Way” [L. serpentinus, from serpens 1. Resembling a serpent; usually, winding and turning one way and the other, like a moving serpent; anfractuous; as a serpentine road or course; Anfractuous (L. anfractus, of amb, about, and fractus, broken) Winding; full of windings and turnings; written less correctly, anfractuose], voting left then right (party politics), etc., as course, moving the nation forward.

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