Saturday, October 31, 2009
Unlocking The Authority From Within: Open_Notes 1
the importance of secular citizenship vs. fractionalist, falsifying, contradictory memories; determinants in the construction of identity, coherence, coexistence; a return - identity is a burden, an inhibitor; national consciousness must be converted into social consciousness - identity is something that must be gotten over - collective past and identity are the result of conscious reconstruction open to manipulation; roles redefined (creative reconstruction; narrow narratives) to justify present desires, dominance (a reinforcing role); national systems of history all teach that its history is the center of the world vs. the universality of humankind (an ideological construction of a form of education); diversity ignored; clash of definitions taking place all over the world; cultural difference are always unsettled, and always connected to arenas of power.
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neo-liberalism, globalization vs. communal coexistence - corporate defense and security apparatus -- equitable and humane community is a task we all must be committed to vs. "I versus you"; the growing distinction between the "haves" and the "have not's"; the mythology of scarcity promulgated by the corporations; the problem is one of distribution, entitlement NOT scarcity -- education is paramount vs. the nationalist, the "I" - new ways of thinking needed (belonging, stability); the ebb and flow of historical currents vs. fixed communities - identities always overlap; a more fluid conception is needed vs. identity stubbornness; the world is interdependent; education must overcome NOT reinforce national identities (the corporate definition).
-- [Notes 1,2] [based on NPR, Alternative Radio, professor Edward Said, "Unresolved Geographies, Unresolved Landscapes", author of "Orientalism", and "The Pen and the Sword", Dec.99]
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-- the devil is in the details; we have institutionalized the devil in our non-consensual dogmatic organizations - the SAGE are of Abraham's seed physically but are of Satan's seed spiritually.
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personal and group identity - manufacturers inventing personas (name brands, labels); choosing of pre-manufactured identities -- low-brow, middle-brow, high-brow, non-distinct no-brow (socially constructed boxes; confined within bounds; trying to "fit in") - cultural marketing; the language of clothes; categories *imposed* on us - taste as a marker of class; taste and choice levels; ladder between strata does not exist anymore - so far down on the bottom-level I can't afford myself vs. negating the ideal; high-society slumming it - the "clique" a social class all its own - social implications; awareness beyond oneself lacking -- the avant-garde [the leaders in new or unconventional movements, esp., in the arts; vanguard] absorbed into the mainstream; intellectual accessibility increasing -- new money trying to look like old money; nouveau-rich better than no-rich; visual tags replacing the auditory tags, the tone of richness; the class accents - the support of corporate slavers, oppression and misery around the world, indentured servitude; the fact of people of color especially, wearing these clothes, giving support to slavery, needs a rethink [ie. NIKE] !!
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Friday, October 30, 2009
Unlocking The Authority From Within: Open_Notes 8
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Thursday, October 29, 2009
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dialogue, in contrast, involves joining our thinking and feeling into a shared pool of meaning which continually flows and evolves, carrying us all into new, deeper levels of understanding none of us could have foreseen [LIFE]; through dialogue "a new kind of mind begins to come into being," observed Bohm, "based on the development of common meaning ... people are no longer primarily in opposition, nor can they be said to be interacting, rather they are participating in this pool of common meaning, which is capable of constant development and change" - Bohm's approach to dialogue involved participants working together to understand the assumptions underlying their individual and collective beliefs; collective reflection on these assumptions could reveal blind spots and incoherence's from which participants could then free themselves, leading to greater collective understanding and harmony; Bohm maintained that such collective learning increases our collective intelligence [Tom Atlee, Co-Intelligence].
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not using violence against those in power does not mean doing nothing; Christianity means a rejection of power and a fight against it; this was completely forgotten during the centuries of the alliance of throne and altar, the more so as the Pope became a head of state, and often acted more as such than as head of the church - the political game can produce no important changes in our society and we must radically refuse to take part in it; society is far too complex; interests and structures are far too closely integrated into one another; we cannot hope to modify them by the political path; the example of multinationals is enough to show this - in view of global economic solidarity it is impossible to change the economy of a country even when in power; those who say that a global revolution is needed if we are not simply to change the government are right.
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an important point which must be emphasized is that there have to be many efforts along the lines suggested, ie., the objection to taxes: naturally, if individual taxpayers decide not to pay their taxes, or not to pay the proportion that is devoted to military expenditures, this is no problem for the state; they are arrested and sentenced; in a matter of this kind, many people have to act together; if six thousand or twenty thousand taxpayers decide upon this type of action, the state is put in an awkward position, especially if the media are brought in; but to make this possible there has to be lengthy preparation: campaigns, conferences, tracts, etc.; whenever such ventures are made, they need to be organized apart from the political, financial, administrative, and legal authorities and on a purely individual basis.
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this is the result of techniques; we cannot speak of a technocracy, for technicians are not formally in charge; nevertheless, all the power of government derives from techniques, and behind the scenes technicians provide the inspiration and make things possible - there is no point here in discussing what everybody knows, namely, the growth of the state, of bureaucracy, of propaganda (disguised under the name of publicity or information), of conformity, of an express policy of making us all producers and consumers, etc.; to this development there is strictly no reply; no one even puts questions; the churches have once again betrayed their mission, the political parties play outdated games - it is in these circumstances that anarchy is the only serious challenge, as the only means of achieving awareness, as the first active step; the more the power of the state and bureaucracy grows, the more the affirmation of anarchy is necessary as the sole and last defense of the individual, that is, of humanity - at the beginning of the 21st century, our giving up the illusion of control and paradoxically shouldering the burdens of responsibility and ambiguity, may be the beginning of our moral redemption and creative liberation [our challenge now is to follow the Word's example, who became the Lord God, Jesus the Christ, by giving up power, but not giving up responsibility]. -- [Notes 23-26] [based on Jacques Ellul, author "Anarchy from a Christian Standpoint" - Anarchist Library, with [inserts]]
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Mammon or Messiah
Mammon or Messiah
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
State of Our World: Open_Notes 1
an intermediate term goal vs. a corporate sponsored world domination; the WTO is part of the global economic architecture 1973-1990s; part of the attempt to continue at an accelerated pace neo-liberalism, efficiency gains, rising productivity, trickle-down-benefits; considered inevitable; corporate sponsored globalization - WTO attempt to implement the MAI/capital liberalization - the Asian economic crisis summer 1997, escalated summer 1998; primarily caused by the changes in the global economy that allowed a vast pool of global wealth to wander the globe unfettered, settle and then leave at a moments notice; nothing has changed as a result of the crisis; the neo-liberalizers have resisted any changes, the prominent players [the SAGE], they continue to run the show, ie., Rubin, Greenspan & c., but internal critics, prominent economists are increasingly vocal; the world's economy is being held hostage to speculative wealth.
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we are better situated now to achieve this long-run goal vs. the 1970s effort of national governments; NGOs, federations of labor, environmental organizations, outraged citizens (increased education) these new constituencies, a grand-coalition (all sorts of people for all sorts of reasons) vs. the powers-that-be; a new sort of process, a conscious creation to nourish, cherish and build from; this new approach is our asset; we must address demands to the pressing needs, and avoid fractionalization. -- [Notes 1,2] [NPR, Alternative Radio, economist Robin Henell, "Beyond Seattle, What Is To Be Done?", Dec.99 address; author "Panic Rules", Z-magazine contributor, NPR Broadcast Jan.22.00, [with inserts]]
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our outlooks are coming less-and-less from our families, from our schools -- what we are seeing is the corporate control of the message and image "form" of society - chain newspapers, TV stations, publishers [the chaining, locking, restraining of the public mind]; owners claim separate editors, producers on each newspaper, station, have complete autonomy [this is in a very limited sense; autonomy within extremely tight boundaries], they all adhere to the system, they all obey the quarterly returns, the balance sheet as criterion - *institutionalized censorship* - safe programming, "crime, sports, weather" - serious issues are avoided ie., the standard of living, the level of income and inequality, etc., the full emphasis, the need to do something is missing - the arousal of the population, from their *image-coma* would destabilized this information-society [yet we do not have information] - media at the beck-and-call of the corporate fraternity.
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there have been many occasions over our history when many persons, groups have been able to oppose, ie., 1880-1900s populists, 1920s progressives, they had limited success but they had an input - nothing will succeed without an organized opposition - in the end it is us, our willingness to recognize that it is human beings that count, nothing else - don't rely on the corporations, [their promises, their corporate good will], rely on yourself, and those around you; demand accountability - many are locked into the corporate structure, we must provide an outlet to release these systemic captives; the pressure is building in our society, social upheaval is possible; concerns, doubts are being stirred; there is a silent massacre of our peoples hopes and dreams, of their future. -- [Notes 3-5] [NPR, Alternative Radio, professor-author Herbert Schiller, Jun.24.00; d. Jan.2000, author "Culture, Inc." and many other titles]
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private, back door route of money, censorship vs. the public front door - the demise of journalism, a pre-authored media, early-90s 20 TNCs controlling 50% of everything we see and hear, and now almost 100% due to recent mergers - the ideals of journalism lost to the profits of propaganda - the political arm of PR; issues are now managed; triad team: 1. lobbyist 2. grass-root organizing [astro-turf organizer], orchestrated by Fortune 500 corporations [letters to the editor, letters to congress, phone calls, etc.] 3. public servants; media, publicity events; front groups - the public theatre, the theatre of the absurd, the *art of lying* par excellence - legitimate citizen campaigns overwhelmed by corporate funded opposition !! -- [NPR, Alternative Radio, "The PR Industry", talk by the Center for Media and Democracy, publisher of "PR Watch", Jul.22.00]
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signing the dotted line is not a contractual meeting of the minds, it is a done deal in favor of the seller, no choice left, we accept it, we are corporate; fine-print contracts are binding arbitration's, we sign away our legal right to the courts if a dispute arises, if a damage occurs, corporate rights reign supreme - democracy restricted, constricted -- growing up corporate means we don't know what we own as a society, ie., the public airways, 1/3 of America [the public lands], our $4T pension pool [managed by the corporate, worker control is zero] - we own but do not control - taxpayer assets [incl. research developments given away, ie., the National Institute of Health] - our common gene pool being expropriated for enormous profit; the WTO and NAFTA rigged to make free-trade supreme, all other issues subordinate to trade, incl. human rights, food safety, environmental concerns, etc. - a rising tide subordinating our local, regional, and national rights. -- [NPR, Alternative Radio, consumer activist Ralph Nader, May.06.00]
scripted speeches, scripted conventions are no indication of a candidates character, ability; being a performer, reading a speech by teleprompter, written by a professional speech-writer makes a candidate an artificial, manufactured product NOT a representation of America's political-social aspirations - the resultant media analysis of the artificial-superficial speech results in superimposition of the script on the candidate [the political mask], performance [reading ability, emotions,mannerisms] equated with the scripted values, issues, policies [the art of political warfare; the posture], the manufactured image.
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what falls within the purview of public policy, what indicator indices ?? - a sense of community is necessary for happiness -- a country needs more than just money -- we need to invest in our neighbors, engagement, trust, civility, sense of commitment, etc. -- absolute measures, relative measures, a satisfaction index -- we must differentiate between intrinsic and extrinsic happiness - a spiritual void exists in America -- a person's resources for happiness is a determinant -- inclusive family, volunteerism leads not just to happiness but joy -- base line for comparison importance; measures, etc., methodology, scenarios; is there a consensus amongst people about what makes them happy ?? - what indicators can capture social health ?? -- Jeremy Bentham (early 1800s) numerical index, an early attempt to measure happiness -- material needs must be fulfilled before spiritual, spatial needs, etc., and that is an indicator itself -- a richer political discourse is needed -- an ideal form must be approached (Plato), ie., happiness, that is the measure -- life was nasty, brutal and short for millennia - life is about *living*, what is "progress" ?? ** [not progress, regress, but an ingress, an entering into community] ** -- [NPR, Fordham Institute, Cato Institute, Jun.04.00, with [inserts]]
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NIKE "Just Do It" (on the backs of Indonesian workers, mostly women) [consider that NIKE "swoosh" a whip-mark of the back of a slave] -- women must become aware of the ads that insult and demean women; we must teach others; opposing parties should be encouraged (opposed to the pose) - the media are *constructions*, they are made by someone - the word "feminism" must be reclaimed; feminism(s) are many, women must "talk back", women must resist -- male objectification is rising, males must resist vs. GI Joe, Coke ads, etc., the *media construction of gender* must be recognized and resisted !! -- [Notes 9,10] [NPR, Alternative Radio, feminist-professor of Media Studies, Univ. of Michigan, Susan Douglas, "Media Representations of Women", Aug.05.00, with [insert]]
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009
State of Our World: Open_Notes 11
working to make people recognize they have power is a struggle; overcoming the lack of unity, the divisions [nourished by employers; one group played against another]; the threat of replacement; the picket is a form of free speech - ** we must develop community alliances ** - we must develop repertoires of struggle, a world view [the employers do so also; vertical relations, oriented toward management vs. horizontal relations] -- state coercive force, to back employers against workers developed [large employer advantages built into American democracy, ie., the courts, labor law]; common law vs. strikes initiated -- democracy consists of a largely weak party system; government is not tightly integrated; penetration by monied, business interests; the 2-party system over time suppressed dissent; building majorities [building big-tent coalitions] cannot survive contentious issues in a conflict ridden society.
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small-scale, new repertoires are now emerging, new strategies, solidarity reconstruction; extended chains of production increase worker control, coordinating strikes across plants, nations -- preparations for strikes (community relations), increasing minority participation, regional strikes, are building solidarity [worker-community alliances], wide-spread public apathy targeted [ie., WTO protests], democratic accountability, and the lack of the same, brought to the forefront -- formal organizational ties between unions in different countries being cultivated; new conditions being forged; the future is partly shaped by the unpredictable; domination has to be challenged !! -- [Notes 11,12] [NPR, Alternative Radio, "Labor in a Globalized Economy", author-professor Francis Fox Piven, Sep.02.00]
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the 1990s economic boom, an incantation, the enchantment [growth; more is better] of global commerce vs. alternatives, ie., reduction in the use of fossil fuels; spending less [standard of living]; our behavior, attitudes must change, ie., politics is what it is, etc. -- ["wealth-authority" must be challenged, made worthless, non-existent (nothing matters but money); we must wake up as the perils around us increase !! -- we must take a different path vs. the human nature argument (nourished and nurtured by the corporate)] - human nature is not one dimensional, more is not better [a world drained of its wonder, its relationship; impoverished]; it is *only us* out here [not someone else out there; we are the someone else]; the glory of God [the story of Job; God tours the universe, His creation - where were you when I did all this? - man is but a moment, yet we commit crimes against the future; we *preempt* the lives of our children; we commit crimes against the past, we are stewards, heirs of the past and future] -- Global Warming is the preeminent challenge of our day; massive damage looming - resistance to the conventional wisdom and pattern must increase, ie., better economics, applied wisdom [protests, simple living, withdrawal], etc., economic health vs. environmental health is *madness*, [only God can/will provide the HEALING] !! -- *our role in consumption* must cease [consumerism as religion] or we will; [we are consuming, sacrificing ourselves, our children on the false altar]; the question is not "who wants to be a millionaire?" but "who wants to be a human being?" -- [based on NPR, Alternative Radio, "Consumerism and Global Warming", Phil McKibben, author "Hope: Human and Wild" and "The End of Nature", Sep.09.00, [with inserts]]
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GREED is defined as INFINITY by the corporate !! [AGAPE LOVE is defined as ETERNITY by the God Family] -- our government kneels before corporate power; complex legal privileges, immunities given; the top 01% has built enormous wealth; DEMOCRACY SURRENDERED = 20% child poverty, 25% pre-school child poverty; workers making less money than 25 years ago; the richest 400 families each increased their wealth 1.2M$/day during the last 04 years; the top 01% are equal in wealth to the bottom 95% of Americans; 47M workers making less than 10$ hour, 1/2 minimum wage of 05$/hr; the US has some of the worst, most draconian laws against trade unions; public and corporate prisons increasing at an alarming rate; the US is 37th in the world in health care [universal health care anathema to the corporate; 47M Americans without any health care] -- solutions include: 1. public financing of public elections NOT the private financing of private campaigns; 2. we must unleash the power of trade unionism, the freedom of association vs. corporate power [ie., Taft-Hartly]; 3. we must increase legal means, force vs. corporate crime, immunity [our legal rights suppressed due to corporate wealth, power of litigation]; 4. a self-empowering *civic culture* must be developed; 5. a new mainstream progressive politics must be developed -- the inheritance of our children is at risk !!
the pursuit of justice is part of our pursuit of happiness - swallowing injustice [BITTER] is unAmerican - WE MUST PERFORM OUR CIVIC DUTIES !! vs. corporate imposition(s); the corporate is planning, imposing *our* future !! - "everything is for sale" is the corporate mantra - citizens "up against the odds" is an American tradition; a deeper and stronger democracy will produce a deeper and stronger economy vs. domination by fewer and fewer corporations; the corporate charter must be a mechanism for corporate responsibility as it was in the last century - a perpetuation of the [evil] systemic existent must be opposed !! -- [NPR, Alternative Radio, Ralph Nader, "Towards A Green White House", Sep.23.00, with [inserts]]
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information, studying is most important - SEC rule changes [Fair Disclosure] has made investment information open to all [sorting insight from the noise is the trick, the skill needed, the *discernment*] -- "greedy" or "clever" is the question !! -- direct stock purchase plans [dividend reinvestment] is the best for minimum investments, ie., 100$ per month, etc., look for no fee, no load funds; take a long-term perspective, benefits compounding over time building on the strength of US companies, ie., index funds [broad diversification; low-cost, average 1.6 basis-points, as opposed to 20 basis-points for some investment strategies] - long-term stock appreciation depends on corporate profits. -- [NPR, All Things Considered, "The Financial Markets", interview The Motley Fool, Jan.03.01, with [inserts]]
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many plastics are biologically active, they leach contaminates, ie., polycarbonates (baby bottles, can linings, etc.) leeches Phenol A (brain function harm); inert chemicals used with pesticides are estrogenic (salmon fry development arrested; male sea otter contamination) -- learning disabilities, attention deficit linked to organic pollutants -- a global phase-out must be implemented; DDT is still being used around the world; these chemicals are being deposited all over the earth, especially the arctic -- fertility, immune function in humans and animals is in direct threat -- chemical-by-chemical study and censure is impossible -- metabolites used against insects ie., juvenile hormone mimics are not regulated; they are a direct threat to humanity (all invertebrates) - pesticides in our diet are also a direct threat -- classes of chemicals must be banned collectively; precautionary principle (if you suspect something is bad, do not use it; corporate proof requires dead bodies) -- ** human health and potential is being threatened ** -- the EPA is not protecting us; no one is in control; present protection is an illusion !! - OUR BODY CHEMISTRY IS BEING CHANGED !!
the greatest hazards are to the unborn !! - persistent hazards are carried in animal fat, ie., cheese, meats, and plastics - hormone systems are extremely complex, ie., soy formula for male infants may interfere with hormonal messages [estrogen questions] -- infant brain and behavior development impacted by a mother's contamination levels before birth and during breast feeding; mechanistic impairment; thyroid disruptor's, impairment (ADD; thyroid receptor(s) not receptive may be one cause) - the corporate "great global experiment" must cease !! -- [NPR, Alternative Radio, science journalist Diane Dumanosky, co-author "Our Stolen Future", Nov.18.00]
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derivatives, a synthetic instrument [ie., an option to buy a currency; a stock index], are dangerous if there are too many people on one side of a transaction, pushing in one direction, becoming unbalanced - the unbalance must be watched, and this is not being done -- the international banking system is threatened; political instability, ie., China's repressive regime, Russia's "robber capitalism" [the battle in Russia was lost because the west did not do enough to ensure that monies got to the people and the scientists, where it was needed, the IMF failed] -- "global public goods" on a grant basis must be implemented, ie., free public education -- the US must abandon the "war on drugs" and implement programs vs. "harm damage," ie., legal and prison reforms, needle exchange programs, social justice reforms, etc. -- the "Tobin Tax' [-Tobin, Noble Prize Economics] an excise tax on international currency speculations is a move in the right direction. -- [NPR, Talk of the Nation, interview George Soros (70), retired Chmn. Soros Fund Management, Open Society Foundation; author "Open Society, Reforming Global Capitalism"; "The Crisis of Global Capitalism", Jan.22.01, with [insert]]
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Monday, October 26, 2009
State of Our World: Open_Notes 20
a massive waste of human capacity; the ability of each of us to think and contribute is severely limited; much of the intellectual capacity of humanity is wasted - the range to exercise ingenuity is restricted, institutionalized, copyrighted: UNDERMINED HUMANITY !! - much of what happens in our lives is a side-effect of the economy !! - natural disasters are magnified by our living situations ie., living on flood plains, on the sides of volcano's, crowded slums, etc. - "good for the economy" results in a loss of capacity to deal with disaster; inequality, the basic disempowerment of the people; constitutionalized mechanisms to nullify the rights of the people guaranteed by the same constitution - debate has been replaced by the purchase of public-relations.
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maximization of profit vs. sustainability [the ecological outlook] - increase of consumption does not equal an increase in the quality of life; life sharply delimited into roles -- we must think of things in our *whole* lives [our social engagement; FAMILY of GOD]; we must redesign work to make it worker-friendly -- the costs of capitalism are externalized and then the costs are denied [the impact] - ecological diversity, the demands of nature must be emphasized, not capitalist demands -- interfering in profit-taking, the boundaries of protests [challenging the logic of the capitalistic system] are limited by the systemic; it will protect itself even unto ecocide !! -- fragmentation of knowledge makes all this possible; [life is a right NOT a privilege to be commodified]; production is justified only if it is people-friendly, ie., agro-ecology vs. corporate-chemical farms - we must challenge the pathways of development and the logic of the systemic itself - we must mobilize [and apply] the vast collective intelligence of humanity !! -- [Notes 20,21] [NPR, Alternative Radio, ecologist Richard Levens, "The Ecology of Capitalism", Jan.27.01, [with inserts]]
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1:100,000 the ratio of terrorist groups to state terrorism in violence; the dominant groups receive the attention by the media - historical terrorism overlooked, ie., the North American genocide vs. the "Indians" - only when a "Custer" is killed is the genocide brought to attention, but then only in sympathy to the perpetrators -- What is terrorism ?? - we have to define it !!Websters: terror is an intense, overpowering fear, the use terrorizing methods of governing, or resisting governments; coercive violence, violence used illegally, extra-constitutional force; motivation [just, unjust] is left out of the definition; motives differ !! -- 5 types of Terror: 1 state 2. religious, sacred 3. crime, mafia 4. pathological, sick 5. political terror,oppositional terror, private terror - these options can converge, convergence -- the SAGE-media concentrate on those who cause the highest cost to them, the political; 2nd highest cost is religious terror; crime next, next pathology - state terrorism mostly unreported, complicit causation unexamined.
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prevention: 1. avoid extremes of double standards; a superpower can not promote terror in one place and condemn it in another 2. do not condone the terror of your allies 3. avoid covert operations and low-intensity warfare [breeding ground of terror and the drug trade] 4. focus on causation, help ameliorate causes 5. do not seek military solutions; political solutions must be sought; innocent victims always result from military options 6. help reinforce and strengthen the framework of international law; enforce the United Nations, the International Code of Justice.
Jihad [to struggle] revived by American help in the 1980s vs. the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan; US$, CIA encouragement to fight the "evil empire", Bin Laden an early recruit and recruiter [Saudi multi-millionaire], 1990 "Gulf War" US Forces in Saudi Arabia remained after victory, Bin Laden demanded removal of foreign occupation, ie., same cause as Afghanistan; the"tribal code of ethics" friend or enemy dependent on "keeping your word"; the US loyal friend has broken his word, therefore now an enemy -- covert operations have an incalculable cost. -- [Notes 27,28] [based on NPR, Alternative Radio, Ekbal Amad, d. May.99, author "Confronting Empire", discussion: "Terrorism, Theirs and Ours", Jul.29.00, with additions (SAGE)]
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