Thursday, October 15, 2009

MIND - Paradigm Rhyme: Open_Notes 10

a penetrating mind and a carefully guarded intellectual balance - cognitive consistency = the tendency of a person's beliefs and actions to be logically consistent with one another - when cognitive dissonance, or the lack of such consistency, arises, the person unconsciously seeks to restore consistency by changing his or her behavior, beliefs, or perceptions - the manner in which a particular individual classifies cognition's in order to impose order has been termed cognitive style - cognition = act or process of knowing - cognition includes attention, perception, memory, reasoning, judgment, imagining, thinking, speech, problem solving, and creativity - how people receive, interpret, encode, store, and retrieve information - (from the standpoint of information handling, parallels are stressed between the functions of the human brain and the computer concepts such as the coding, storing, retrieving, and buffering of information) - inner (mental, cerebral) fitness - outer (physical) fitness -- encounter spiritual experience.

nine intelligences: mathematical-logical; spatial; musical; language; bodily kinetic; interpersonal; extrapersonal; naturalist, empathy with the biosphere; existence, the spiritual (religious impulse) [Howard Gardner, Multiple Intelligence] - ennead n. [Gr enneas < ennea, nine] a group or set of nine (books, gods, etc) -- ennead mentation -- the mind must be regarded as a holistic concept - a pattern of activity - collective unconscious (CG Jung) = genetic memory - web of consciousness - compounded of primordial, universal images we all share (mandala) - substructure, background of awareness - group mind - matrix (Mandelbrot Set) - infinite resolution and complexity - dynamical system, formula - collage theorem - copies of itself, covering of smaller copies of itself - self-referencing statement.

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