Saturday, October 3, 2009

Early Imprint: (con't)

9. an economic program of this nature is unthinkable without political and military measures to counter the resistance it will inevitably engender - examples are: "democratization," in which the international elite uses foreign aid, electoral manipulation and even "democratic coups" to impose compliant regimes throughout the Third World (which now includes the former socialist bloc); "disarmament," which links cosmetic military cutbacks in the advanced sector to massive arms reduction in the rest of the world; "refugee policy," actually a policy of anti-immigrant hysteria.
10. a key component of the First World's foreign policy is the revival of capabilities for military intervention in the Third World - the "proxy wars" of the early 1980s, the 1989 Panama invasion and the 1991 Gulf War were all stages in a progression through which the old colonial powers maneuvered to regain the military dominance they had lost in Vietnam and in other post-colonial wars - the current doctrine of "humanitarian intervention by multinational forces" is just the latest and most hypocritical stage in this bloody progression, witness the Balkans, Kosovo - selective intervention.
11. the economic crisis and the economic and political programs that come in response to it create massive polarization within the world's population - one side of this polarization appears in the rise of rightist groups, of extreme nationalism, religious fanaticism and outright, undisguised fascism - the dangers are obvious: civil wars, genocide, world wars, nuclear destruction. -- [para. 7-11][based on the International Activism Statement, Feb 01, 1994, discussed and adopted by a number of peace and solidarity activists in the US]

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