Thursday, October 15, 2009

MIND - Paradigm Rhyme: Open_Notes 16

reconstruction of identity and meaning - synergy - (to work together, a SACRED place) - fragile behaviour alongside healthy behaviour - healing, conversion vs. relapse, slipping (vs. total relapse, despair, a SCARED place) - voice of my truth (ie., sexual abuse, x pain) - progressive disease - escape addictions' grip - become committed to change - not an impossible dream - breaking the addiction - overcoming stressors, cues - requires family, friends, fellowship - he who heals himself has a fool for a doctor and an idiot for a patient - overcoming the "old man" - are we repaving the old path (results in uplifts, cracks) or are we digging deep, replacing the foundation also?

spiritual/physical "drugs" = the reactions, diversions, results engendered by the emmonic virus [emotion/money], the SOCIAL ADDICTION -- the symptoms, ie., hate = anger, hostility coming forth - crystallized into action, shifting the blame - expressions of hostility - you cannot regulate hate - "hate laws" do not address the core of the problem -- healing properties (Holy Spirit, medicine) or debilitating (poison, weakened, diseased) - psychological influences - pharmacon [Gr pharmakon; a poison, medicine, drug] substance, influence.

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