Thursday, October 15, 2009

MIND - Paradigm Rhyme: Open_Notes 5

quantitative variables have to be measured - translated into mathematical knowledge (understanding) - analyse each frame (of mind) - choreography (mind dance); choreograph: to design or plan the movements of a dance, esp. a ballet; to plan an event or complex course of action in careful detail - endurance training - study of motion (thought) - efficiency (shorter, quicker strides more efficient than long, slower strides for long-distance runs) - efficiency very important - small differences very meaningful in the long run - running style (work load) - performance; increasing levels of work - linear progression until threshold (burnout) is reached (exercise: lactate increase until production exceeds body absorption) - body-mind connection - mental performance states, stress, highly focused attentional states - concentration - the peak of intensity, "the flow" - strategy to concentrate necessary - mental song, harmony (SONA) - switch the focus from distraction.

an objective view of our mental states - component parts (outside influences, authored programming deeply rooted) - low frequency rest - high frequency activity - variable harmonics - different processes are associated with different areas of the brain: verbal tasks processed on the left side above the ear - space, movement handled on the right - emotions are in the front - visual processing are at the back of the head -- call into play only what is necessary to the task - train the mind.

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