Tuesday, October 13, 2009

MYND - Spiritual Alchemy: Open_Notes 12

beliefs make our lives - first we make the beliefs, then the beliefs make us - we can imprison ourselves in our beliefs - we create our lives around our beliefs, values - (self)hypnosis = reprogramming our subconscious with new beliefs, values - deep absorption - we slip into mini-trances all day long - different types of hypnosis - stage, forensic, performance, clinical - power of the mind to overcome disease - rewrite the past - self-esteem, (self-estimate, self-worth, self-image), the hub of the wheel - critical to the people you attract in your life, experiences, etc. - forgiveness necessary to heal yourself - resentment, anger, grievances - release the past, bring all of your energy into the present - stop punishing yourself - a proper healing modality vs. conceptual crisis -- mental imagery to help the immune response vs. disease - aim the mind - pharmacognition (physical, spiritual) - emotions - (self)hypnosis, affirmations, (self)talk, bring thoughts under control - stress-control issues most important.

we have to invent a 2nd life for the 2nd half - 40-45 yrs (1st half) - 1st half a bouncing (place, person, event, interest, etc.), bounced - 2nd half a long continuous roll (how long is self-determined) - some drop into life with a thud, others bounce to stability, to varying degrees (+/- composition, density, velocity). [based on PBS, "Talk of the Nation"]

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