Tuesday, October 13, 2009

MYND - Spiritual Alchemy: Open_Notes 15

I had to completely exhaust my whole system of beliefs and undergo a very serious depression - loss of everything, all sense of purpose - by being forced to let go of all these attachments, and the belief that they would make me happy, I ended up losing myself - paradoxically, I needed to do that to find myself, because that was the only thing left at the end of it all - when you enter that "dark night of the soul," and face the terror of losing that umbilical attachment to the world where you thought your salvation lay, you discover that that was the last thing you would find there - and that's when you finally welcome God in - He has been waiting all the time, in every second, and in every relationship for us to find him. -- [Shared Vision Magazine, "Lessons in Love", A Course in Miracles, Mar.98]

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