Tuesday, October 13, 2009

MYND - Spiritual Alchemy: Open_Notes 8

finding a sense of place - searching for a belonging place - a sanctuary from criticism - HOME vs. the jesters (professional fools) paradise - unlimited personal potential - consciousness raising personal development - re-framing your context - shifting your perception - engaging your courage and compassion - choosing love and acceptance - learn to value your power and your vulnerability - change learned patterns - allow wishes, hopes, and desires to surface - positive thoughts bring positive results - be compassionate with your failings - each of us has a story - some pages open, some private - our narrative - our narration (a story, account, tale) - identify, create and act on new choices - learn more about yourself and what you value - build more satisfying relationships - discover more joy and passion in your life! HEAL THE PAST - EMPOWER THE PRESENT

when one stands amid the rubble of a relationship, then one has not only lost the relationship, but also the whole world view - losing my religion - just a dream - next stage in your life? - it is important that our goals do not remain just a dream or vision - we have to release the inner frustrations that are holding us back - address the deepest levels of being - restoring meaning, creativity and authenticity - become curious, aware and accepting of yourself - gently transform old patterns of hurt - find adventure, grace and balance in your relationships and life.

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